Museu do Campo de Concentração do Tarrafal

The Tarrafal Concentration Camp Museum, called the Museu da Resistência when it was inaugurated in December 2000, is located in the former Tarrafal Concentration Camp, an old Portuguese prison built in 1936 to receive in a first phase, from 1936 to 1956, anti-fascist Portuguese prisoners and in a second phase, from 1962 to 1974, anti-colonialist prisoners. Thus, in order to preserve and perpetuate part of the historical memory of that period, the Salazar period, and of the struggle for independ...ence of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa, namely Angola, Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde, this space of transnational collective memory was created. The musealization of the camp has gone through different phases, always with the objective of portraying the history and experience of the complex. In the first phase, from 2000 to 2009, funded by the Secretary of State for Portuguese Cooperation, the museum had only one exhibition room, in the former Secretary of the Camp, dedicated mainly to the first phase of functioning as a Penal Colony. In the 2nd phase, inaugurated on May 1st, 2009, following the Symposium on "Tarrafal", the museum now has two exhibition spaces, one dedicated to the period as a Penal Colony of Cape Verde (1936-1956) and the other to the Labor Camp of Chão Bom (1962-1974). In a 3rd phase, inaugurated on January 20, 2016, a museological and museographic redefinition was made encompassing the entire external and internal part of the Camp, in situ musealization, with the creation of a circuit that starts from the "gun gate", right at the entrance of the Camp, passing through the annexes (former housing of officials, officers and guards of the Camp, barracks, house of arms, secretariat, etc.) and culminating inside the prison complex. However, the most recent intervention carried out in this museum space took place at the beginning of 2021, following the rehabilitation works in the prison complex as apart of PRRA project. Thus, a new museological and museographic project was carried out, which sought to bring to the museum a great diversity of contents and greater functionality, making it a space for cultural and leisure promotion, but above all a space of memory and emotion. This requalification made it possible to further dignify this space of memory of the peoples “Portuguese Africa”, which has been a National Heritage Site since 2006 and which is inscribed in the Indicative List of Cape Verde for Unesco, and, therefore, a potential candidate for Heritage of the Humanity. The Museu do Camppo de Concentração today is still a reference space capable of transmitting and much more than that, educating its public so that they feel engaged in the conservation and preservation and appreciation of the collective memory of the peoples of Cape Verde, Guinea, Angola and Portugal, in their tireless fight for the common good, freedom and peace.


100$00 escudos for nationals and 200$00 for foreigners | Exemptions: children up to 12 years old, students and seniors | Free admission: April 18, May 18 and October 18


Every day (including weekends) from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm | holidays 9 am to 1 pm



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